LEED is an organization rating system.
"Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design"
The US Green Building Council is who regulates LEED.
There are so many things that go into a LEED rating system. LEED can be residential or commercial buildings. There is a scale that a building earns points for doing different things that will benefit the environment.
Example of items:
- Heating system efficiency
- Insulation
- Quality of windows
- Maybe using a 50 year shingle instead of 30 year
- Light color paints for better day lighting in rooms
- Collecting Rain water
- Using building materials from local manufactures
- Avoiding use of VOC products
- Low flow shower heads
- Using grey water again instead of sending down sewer
- Not putting duct work in outside walls
- Not using construction cavities for return air duct.(no panning)
- Seal duct work through multiple methods. (Aeroseal, foil tape, mastek)

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